Monday, December 8, 2014


The story of hamlet took place in Denmark, which was once ran by the old king, Old hamlet. Old hamlet had a son that was also named Hamlet and he was the prince of Denmark. When old hamlet died his brother Claudius, who has now been crowned as the new king of Denmark takes over. As Claudius takes over as new king he takes old hamlets widow and wife here. Hamlet is disgusted by their marriage because he cannot cope with his mothers decision to marry right after his father had just passed. Old Hamlets ghost appears and it pulls hamlet away from everyone and it tells that hamlet that Claudius the new king of Denmark killed him so that he could take his crown and his wife. old hamlets ghost told hamlet all of that and made hamlet promise that he would get revenge over Claudius for killing him.
in this picture you will see hamlet talking to the ghost of old hamlet.
  This is the theme of hamlets revenge to kill Claudius, in honors of his father.
Hamlet finally fulfills the promise that he made to old hamlet, and kills Claudius

1.Dirge- a funeral song or tune.
2. Circumscribe- to enclose within bounds.
3.Extremity- the extreme or terminal point; a limb of the body
4.Malefaction- an evil deed.
5. Incensed- outraged 
6. Germane- closely related
7.Purge- Cleanse or purify
8.Firmament- the vault of heaven; sky
9.Buffet-a blow with the hand or fist
10.Felicity- the state of being happy 

Discussion Question and Answers
1. Is hamlet pretending to be insane or is he really insane in this play? I believe that Hamlet was acting insane because he got a laugh out of how all the people were thinking he was insane and so worried about him.

2.Why does Claudius want to kill Hamlet? Because Claudius does not know how to deal with Hamlet because they think he has gone mad, also that he doesn't want Hamlet to find out how he got crowned, so he wants to kill Hamlet to keep his crown and stay safe.

3.Did Hamlet really love Ophelia? I believe he did to a certain extent, he hated all women when his dear mother married so quick after her husbands death. women put a sour taste in his mouth I believe that hamlet did love Ophelia, because of what he said at her grave.

4.How in Hamlets play does his mother react do you think she feels guilty? I believe she does with the reaction she gave to the play, also I think Hamlet was trying to test his mother.

5.How does Hamlet find out that Ophelia has died? When Hamlet is down by the cemetery he notices the funeral coming and realizes it was Ophelia.

6.How does Ophelia die and was she crazy? Ophelia drowned to death and i think she had gone crazy , because of her fathers death.

7.How does Hamlet's mother Gertrude die? Well she actually drank the poison from Claudius that was meant to be given to hamlet.

8.How does Hamlet kill Claudius? He Figures out that he has poisoned his mother therefore he forces Claudius to drink from the same cup that dear Gertrude did.

9. Why do you think Hamlet accepted the sword fight against Laertes? I believe to show that he was better than him at what he did.

10. How do you think this play was? I believe it was the best play Shakespeare wrote to be honest the way he use symbols and love in this play was very interesting  I would Recommend this play to anyone looking for action and love in the same play.
These are some links that could be helpful to you to get to know a little more about Hamlet